

Welcome to Storybook Snippets…

Our special little place online where we document and share little snippets and chapters of our lives in hopes that we can preserve some of these precious moments as a family.

We are a homeschooling family of 9 residing on a quaint, 5 acre plot of land on the sunny prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada.  In our spare time, you will likely find us building random projects for our acreage, gardening, preserving food, and enjoying this crazy — although beautiful — life together.

Homeschooling our kids has been the craziest, hardest, fulfilling, emotional, and exciting journey we could have ever imagined!  It has stretched our character to places we never thought possible and has given us a strong relationship with each of our kids that we would not trade for anything in this world. If you are going through a similar journey, or simply thinking about taking the first step, I would love to hear from you.  Connecting with others who are going through a similar season is one of the many reasons that we have been able to keep on going!

Thanks for stopping by.  I look forward to getting to know you!






“Children should have the joy of living in far lands, in other persons, at other times – a delightful double existence; and this joy they will find, for the most part, in their storybooks.”
– Charlotte Mason